Podcasts & Webinars

Bridging the Silos to Bring True MTSS to Life

This opening webinar panel was packed with experts with different yet complementary research and practical experiences supporting schools to implement a Multi-Tiered System of Support. This group came together to tackle the issue of siloed, fragmented implementation to recommend a path forward for schools to bring to life MTSS in a way that integrates practices across academic, behavior/attendance, and social-emotional/mental health domains of student need.

Clemens, N., Jones, S., Kelleher, M., McIntosh, K., Nese, R., & VanderHeyden, A. (2024, February). Bridging the Silos to Bring True MTSS to Life. Webinar panel recording for the Not Your Typical MTSS Summit hosted by Character Strong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuxDEljgXpk

Episode 26: Fostering collaboration, exploring hard questions about equity in schools & reflecting on healthy sacrifice

A conversation with Rhonda Nese, PhD, Associate Professor of Special Education at the University of Oregon.

Nese, R. (2023, October). Fostering collaboration, exploring hard questions about equity in schools & reflecting on healthy sacrifice. Hiding in Plain Sight Podcast. https://eoinbastable.substack.com/p/25-fostering-collaboration-asking?r=8vnh8&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web#details

Rethinking School Discipline with Rhonda Nese

On today’s episode, special education professor and researcher Rhonda Nese discusses implicit bias, unpacks the school-to-prison pipeline, helping teachers understand the “why” behind behavior, alternatives to suspension, helping students re-adjust to the classroom post-COVID, and how parents can advocate.


Nese, R. (2023, May). Rethinking School Discipline with Rhonda Nese. How to Have Kids Love Learning Podcast. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rethinking-school-discipline-with-rhonda-nese/id1665456849?i=1000611307983

Reducing Exclusionary Practices. Webinar, School Climate Transformation Grant, Center on PBIS

This webinar covers disrupting school to prison pipeline, reducing disproportionate use of suspensions, and embedding restorative practices within a MTSS framework.

Santiago-Rosario, M. R. (2022). Reducing Exclusionary Practices. Webinar, School Climate Transformation Grant, Center on PBIS. https://www.pbis.org/video/reducing-exclusionary-practice

Episode 4: Too Tough on Crime?, and Brain Science

Is it possible to be too tough on crime? A look at how Measure 11 measures up in terms of promised results. Has the law delivered? And, how new discoveries in brain science may help correctional officials to implement reforms.

This episode was produced by Ed Madison and Sararosa Davies, along with a team of alumni and current students at the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication. Our partners on this project are OPB, The Oregonian and Willamette Week.

Nese, R. (2022, January). Episode 4: Too Tough on Crime?, and Brain Science. The Public Plea Podcast. https://www.publicplea.net/public-plea-podcast-episodes/episode-4-too-tough-on-crime-and-brain-science-47369 

Episode 3: School Discipline and Life Imitating Art

She walked away from a teaching career, saying she could no longer play a role in perpetrating the “school to prison pipeline.” A former teacher and an educational researcher breakdown the systemic factors that reinforce cycles of crime in communities of color. Plus, a look at pop cultural influences, including hip hop music. Should artists bear some blame?

This episode was produced by Ed Madison and Sararosa Davies, along with a team of alumni and current students at the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication. Our partners on this project are OPB, The Oregonian and Willamette Week.

Nese, R. (2022, January). Episode 3: School Discipline and Life Imitating Art. The Public Plea Podcast. https://www.publicplea.net/public-plea-podcast-episodes/episode-3-school-discipline-and-life-imitating-art

Integration of Academic and Behavior Learning

Nese, R. (2022, January). Integration of academic and behavior learning. Recording for the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3CcEPEZEO0 

Utilizing Instructional Alternatives to Exclusionary Discipline

Research has shown the harmful impacts of exclusionary discipline practices on students and has found them ineffective for changing student behaviors as they do not typically include academic or behavioral instruction for students. This session will share a school-wide restorative approach that has promise for preventing further behaviors that lead to removals from instruction. Examples of implementation at the school and district-wide level will be highlighted.

Triplett, D., & Malose, S. (2021, October). Utilizing Instructional Alternatives to Exclusionary Discipline. National PBIS Leadership Forum, virtual. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGXjTnfN9lo

Simply WOW! – Prevention Strategies for the Classroom

WOW strategy is a way to build relationships with students and create an environment of success. WOW stands for welcoming students at the door, own your environment and wrap up class with intention. Each part of this strategy is important in cultivating a space where students from all backgrounds can feel welcome and safe. We will support teachers in implementing the strategies in their environments and classrooms.

Newson, A, Cohen Lissman, D., & Izzard, S.  (2021, October). Simply WOW! – Prevention Strategies for the Classroom. Online presentation at Oregon and Idaho CEC Conference, virtual. https://whova.com/portal/multi_202104/videos/2IjM5gDOwMTN/

What is MTSS?

Nese, R. (2021, October). What is MTSS? Recording for the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XSmibLBKho&t=2s 

Team Driven Shared Leadership

Nese, R. (2021, September). Team driven shared leadership. Recording for the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJdMQtXkbPM

Expert Instruction Episode 11: Creating a Welcoming Classroom

In this episode, we talk with Saki Malose about how to go beyond welcoming students and start creating radically welcoming classrooms.

Malose, S. (2021, August). Expert Instruction Episode 11: Creating a Welcoming Classroom. Recording for the Teach by Design Podcast. https://www.pbisapps.org/articles/ep-11-creating-a-welcoming-classroom

Episode 9: Wellness in relation to Opinions, Climate and Culture

In this episode, we speak with Dr. Rhonda Nese on Mental Health and Wellness and the impact it has on climate and culture while discussing: strategies to ensure school culture reflects the community, the role of empathy in respecting others opinions, teaching students how to develop informed opinions, and ways to check ourselves for bias when teaching social and/or political content.

Nese, R. (2021, April). Episode 9: Wellness in relation to Opinions, Climate and Culture. Guest on the Educators Blueprint Podcast. https://www.buzzsprout.com/1776790/8601091-episode-9-wellness-in-relation-to-opinions-climate-and-culture

Implicit Bias: In the Schools, in the Courts, and in Society

The recent deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and many other unarmed African Americans have heightened awareness of systemic racism and its foundation, implicit bias.

Implicit biases are unconscious attitudes and stereotypes that can manifest in criminal justice systems, workplaces, school settings, and healthcare systems. Implicit biases are based on many factors, including race, gender, and sexuality. We can deal with–and hopefully reverse–implicit biases only when we see how they impact thoughts and decisions. Removing these biases is a challenge, especially because we often don’t even know they exist, but research reveals potential interventions.

In this program you will hear from three highly qualified and experienced individuals who fight the impacts of implicit bias on a daily basis. Professor Girvan will discuss the broad implications of implicit bias in society, while Justice Nelson will describe the impact of implicit bias in the justice system. Professor Nese will show how implicit bias affects kids in school. All three speakers will share ideas about how to reduce the effects of this toxic force.

Girvan, E., Nelson, A., & Nese, R. (2021, January). Implicit bias: In the schools, in the courts, and in society. Panel recording for the City Club of Eugene, broadcast on KLCC, NPR for Oregonians. https://www.klcc.org/post/city-club-eugene-implicit-bias-schools-courts-society 

Developing an Instructional Alternative to Exclusionary Discipline Practices

In this session, the presenter will discuss the negative impact of exclusionary discipline practices on students’ social, emotional, and academic outcomes, as well as alternative strategies to use in lieu of punitive responses.  The presenter will also introduce a preventative model for responding to student behaviors that holds promise for improving student-teacher relationships and skills, and reducing subsequent removals from instruction.

Nese. R. (2020, December). Developing an instructional alternative to exclusionary discipline practices. Symposium presented at the University of Washington SMART Center Annual Speaker Series, virtual. https://mhttcnetwork.org/centers/northwest-mhttc/product/smart-center-2021-virtual-speaker-series-rhonda-nese-qa

Expert Instruction Episode 3: Restorative Practices

During our conversation, we explore what restorative practices are, how they work in typical school years as well as how they can work while students engage in distance learning.

Brahim, N., Hensel, S., Hickman, K., & Nese, R. (2020, October). Expert Instruction Episode 3: Restorative Practices. Panel recording for the Teach by Design Podcast. https://www.pbisapps.org/articles/ep-3-restorative-practices-in-distance-learning 

How Can Schools Begin Moving Away from Overuse of Out-Of-School Suspensions?

Nese, R. (2017, September). How can schools begin moving away from overuse of out-of-school suspensions? Recording for the National PBIS Interviews YouTube page. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxxHeD89W4s

Resources for Enhancing Equity in School Discipline

A recorded webinar describing disproportionality in school discipline as well as an intervention for enhancing equity in school discipline. This webinar was given to School Climate Transformation Grant recipients originally.

McIntosh, K., & Nese, R. (2016, January). Resources for enhancing equity in school discipline. Webinar presented for the School Climate Transformation Grant Webinar Series. https://www.pbis.org/video/resources-for-enhancing-equity-in-school-discipline-sctg-webinar